Make an Impact
Operating in Metro Vancouver BC, we offer workshops, garden tours, customized adaptive tools, and our volunteers work one-on-one with DIGA members tending to fully accessible plots in community gardens. Our community gardens have wheelchair-accessible pathways and raised beds. Many also offer roll-under table-top gardens.
As a result of the pandemic, increasing food costs and transportation challenges, DIGA is increasing its programs to include food security to meet the nutritional needs of our DIGA members.
For may people with disabilities living on fixed income, the value of sustainable and accessible fresh produce, year-round ensures quality of life and health.
We are achieving this through information webinars and workshops, the development of accessible home planters and providing seeds for fruit and vegetables.
At DIGA, we recognize all of the values gardening offers; from quality of life benefits and social inclusion to an abundance of fresh and healthy produce, which is why we encourage active participation, from planning their garden, tending to plants, and sharing their harvests with the support of helpful volunteers. Our knowledgeable volunteers can advise and support gardening, lend a hand tending to gardens or arrange custom garden tools for people with physical disabilities.
Stories that make our hearts (and gardens) grow!

All of the foods that he and his wife consume have been made in-house. Fresh organic vegetables are a wonderful addition to their menus and offer Joseph additional food security during trying times. The independence and personal fulfillment from growing one’s own food is unparalleled!

“I figure I can keep on doing this as long as I have DIGA volunteers. I would like the word to get out that DIGA exists and how valuable it is. How unbelievably valuable it is.”

How to Give
DIGA is a community-based charity that relies on support from individuals and organizations in all sectors. We exist through your generous donations and deliver workshops, lectures, garden tours and planting materials to the gardens.